Shaping places in the South West
The South West BIDs group is a powerful, professional partnership made up of 20 BIDs from across the South West of England.
We include the city BIDs of Exeter, Plymouth City Centre, Plymouth Waterfront and Truro, coastal and town BIDs from Somerset and Devon, and eight BIDs from Cornwall (including one industrial BID – Newham).
The 6000+ businesses we support have a combined Rateable Value of over £200 million and employ thousands of people across numerous sectors.
We instigate many projects - major public realm improvements, festivals, destination marketing and more - that attract millions of visitors, encourage investment and stimulate economic growth.
The value of media coverage generated by Plymouth City Centre BID's PR campaign
Visitors to Falmouth each year during Falmouth Week Regatta - a Falmouth BID part-funded project
Visitors to Falmouth each year during Falmouth Week Regatta - a Falmouth BID part-funded project